Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Are we homeschooling today?

Lamentations 3:27 "And it is best to learn this patience in our youth"

Now that the children are aware of the fact that they'll be homeschooled next school term every morning greets me with an, "are we homeschooling today" from one of the younger children. Although, I would love to take them out now I made an agreement with my husband to let them finish out the year since they've already started....something about them not becoming quitters in the future ::eye roll::: seriously though, there are only a few months left so, why not? 
I must admit that I am enjoying this phase immensely! I have completed a month of planning and feel great to have a map. Though I'm positive that we will not strictly follow the plan or any plan for that matter, it still feels great to have one in place....I'm a planner by nature though! Over time I've learned to be flexible b/c as we all know, life doesn't go as planned! This has become quite a learning experience and I'm looking forward to learning even more!💋

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