Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's official

I'm late in starting a blog as we officially became a homeschooled family in september but as most sahm/homeschooled parents know, time is something that you just don't have in the beginning! Our journey has been exciting so far and i feel great knowing that my child is recieving an adequate education in the comfort of his own home! There were so many things that led to me choosing homeschool but mainly that i'd wanted to homeschool from the start but tried traditional school because my husband was against homeschool (which he now loves since i had to just go with my gut after our son's school had a "lockdown"). My advice for any family who is considering homeschool as an option would be to just go for it! It never hurts to try and only YOU know what's truly best for your child. My husband was against it in the beginning because he felt as if i was keeping our son from the social benefits of school but he now realizes that our child is still a social butterfly even without traditional school (although i still have him involved in extracurricular activities) and homeschool has helped to get my younger children more involved in academics. It has been a blessing thus far and i expect it to continue to be! This blog will be used for support purposes for families hoping to homeschool or that are homeschooling and also as a source of educational ideas that i have tried with my children. Please enjoy reading and stop by as often as you'd like!

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